Doll family session

July 05, 2013  •  1 Comment

baby, toddler portraiture

July 5th is a recovery day for most people.  I was surprised when Jeff and Melissa chose the morning of this date for their session.  With a little boy on the cusp of toddlerhood, they assured me that they weren't about to go out partying the night before.  This is one of my summer imaging program sessions this summer and when Melissa responded to the call for models, I was more than thrilled.  I have been chomping at the bit to photograph their little boy since he was born. 

My work as an instructor and coach and professional photographer has brought me in contact with all sorts of people.  Often, I don't know the people that I am working with all that well, so I have to work to create chemistry and try to figure out how to get each different personality to loosen up.  This session was unique on many levels because I have worked with this couple before.  I had the opportunity to coach Mel in high school as her soccer and softball coach, as well as to have her in my art classroom.  I also had the privilege of photographing their wedding at St. John's, so when it was time to choose a location for this session, the location was a no brainer.  Why not go back to St. John's where it all started?

I can't begin to express how rewarding it is to see your former students grow into adults and to form new, adult relationships with them.  In addition, it is an amazing when you get to make pictures of their milestones along the way.  Little Nolan is just about to turn one.  Following him around with a camera to capture his brief seconds of rest was a good challenge for me.   He is a good natured, talkative and busy little boy.  it was all I could do to not just stop and pick him up.  The love that Jeff and Mel have for him and for one another was palpable during this session.  What a wonderful way to start the second half of the summer!   


family portrait




Melissa Doll(non-registered)
Love these pictures! Your little caption is so sweet - we are blessed to have you in our lives ! Thank you again for this morning - we had such a great time and you have such a talent for photography! :-)
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